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Flash Technique

Methods overview


EMDR is a method that was developed during the 1990s.

In classic EMDR, traumata are resolved by the patients mentally freezing a particularly stressful phase of their traumatic experience and then being encouraged by the therapist to make a rhythmic eye movement. This significantly reduces the anxiety these memories evoke.

Recent research results have shown that the bilateral stimulation, which underlies every EMDR action, can also be used very effectively to activate resources. With bilateral stimulation, impulses are transmitted via tapping (brief tapping with the fingers) via the peripheral to the central nervous system and from there to both hemispheres of the brain. This creates new neural networks. Information flows and positive feelings are felt more strongly.

The aim of resource activation is to find positive experiences in one's own life that can help to cope with upcoming problems. Resources can arise through active management of crises and problems or through loving, helpful relationships. The core of a resource is a body feeling with a beneficial emotion such as joy, acceptance, strength, liveliness, competence, etc.

Once these resources are found, they are amplified, intensified and anchored in the subconscious using bilateral stimulation. 


Flash Technique

Flash Technique is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention developed in 2015/2016 to reduce the distress associated with traumatic or other distressing memories. Unlike many conventional trauma therapy interventions, Flash is a minimally intrusive option that does not require clients to consciously engage with the traumatic memory. This allows clients to process traumatic memories without feeling overwhelmed or overwhelmed. It has become massively more important in recent years, and thousands of therapists have already been trained in this method. A global overview can be found belowlink.



"Where you look affects how you feel"

This simple-sounding sentence is behind the concept of Brainspotting®.

The method, developed by the experienced therapist and trainer David Grand a few years ago directly from the application of EMDR, is to a certain extent the essence of this successful trauma therapy application.

Brainspotting® focuses primarily on body-related phenomena of strong emotional stress. The corresponding eye positions (the so-called "brainspots") activate the brain regions in which the stress is stored.

Another essential component is the therapist's attitude towards the inner processes taking place in the client. She accompanies the therapists with a mindful attitude that follows the process and in no way controls it. They show an empathetic presence without giving direction. The deep trust in the self-healing powers of the client is essential for the concept of Brainspotting.

Brainspotting has a neurophysiological effect in the midbrain - i.e. there where stress and trauma are stored emotionally and physically. It causes processing in deep brain structures.

A specialist article was published on this in 2013. "Brainspotting: Recruiting the midbrain for accessing and healing sensorimotor memories of traumatic activation," authored by Frank Corrigan and David Grand. he is underthis externallinkaccessible.



Deep Brain Reorientation (DBR)

Deep Brain Reorienting describes a new approach in the treatment of trauma and traumatic dissociation. This method was only developed in March 2020 by Dr. Frank Corrigan, a Scottish neuropsychiatrist, co-published with his colleague Jessica Christie-Sands in the journal Medical Hypotheses. (Link to abstract here: I had the opportunity to attend a training session supervised by Dr. to attend Corrigan.


DBR aims to get to the heart of the traumatic experience. This takes place in the brainstem, the part of the brain that becomes active at the moment of danger or when attachment breaks down. By carefully focusing on states of tension in the face, head and neck and by noticing associated emotions, the brainstem is enabled to process stored traumatic memories and thus to let go.


Comprehensive resource model®(CRM)

The Comprehensive Resource Model® (CRM) is a trauma therapy method. It combines scientifically validated therapeutic principles with elements that have always been used for healing across cultures.

With CRM, findings about the function and the areas in the brain are used with external stimulation. These can be visual stimuli such as eye positions, symbols, colors, geometries; but acoustic stimuli such as tones, sounds and bilateral music are also used for stimulation.
With the mind and thoughts, the emotions and the body (breathing exercise, creating body awareness) of the client, the right interaction results in the individual solution. The well-known and repeatedly used obstacles that the body and mind have already built up often enough with regard to the trauma are circumnavigated together with the therapist. The therapist accompanies the client with skilful questions and speaking that is always focused on resources. The client is always fully awake and always in the here and now.

The model is only a few years old and was developed by Lisa Schwarz, a psychologist from the USA. It is based on assumptions of Colin Ross' trauma model. dr Frank Corrigan, a psychiatrist from Glasgow (Scotland), provided the neuroscientific hypothesis for the effectiveness of the model.

The original area of application of CRM is complex traumatization, dissociative disorders and attachment traumatizations. However, it is also used successfully in monotraumatization and in non-specific somatic symptoms where a trauma background is suspected.

Healing from trauma experiences can only be achieved when there is sufficient security in the emotional and physical experience. However, people who have experienced traumatic stress or survival terror often do not feel this security. When the way out of the trauma has been found, it is also important not to simply dismiss the client. Questions to be answered include: What am I without my trauma? What new meaning does my life need? Do I have to give up control? Can I be without the therapist?

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