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Methods used

The main focus of my methods are the so-called bifocal, multi-sensory procedures.  These are techniques and methods that establish divided attention during stimulus exposure, while at the same time providing (multi-)sensory stimulation.
Although I describe the method on my website, please don't be intimidated by it. We always discuss what is suitable for what context. Click on the text in the pictures to find out more.

Maybe interesting:

In issue 2/2014 of the journal "Psychotherapist Journal" there is an article by Dr. Oliver Schubbe, who explains and compares the methods EMDR and Brainspotting with case vignettes. You can click on this link to download (paper is in German only).


If you are interested in these methods, please pay attention to the contraindications. There can be various reasons against using these methods.

Please note that I do not treat dissocial personalities, forms of dementia or psychoses! I treat addictions after a detailed anamesis and after individual decision.

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