Trauma therapy
When talking isn't enough...
Stressful experiences and traumas are stored in areas of the brain that are difficult or impossible to access through language alone. Trauma is often the cause of current stress, which is why I focus on trauma therapy. Here you can find out why trauma therapy differs from conventional talking psychotherapy and what to look out for.
I use very effective methods such as Brainspotting, EMDR or CRM (Comprehensive Resource Model), which are based on the latest findings in modern brain research.
Important ingredient of successful psychotherapy
In addition to the theoretical approach, another essential factor is required:
My own psychic experience must be accessible to me as a therapist. This includes intuition and premonition as well as the ability to use these intuitive insights in a measured and meaningful way in the psychotherapeutic process. I stimulate, accompany, mirror or offer hypotheses for possible interpretation by going into resonance. But I do not take my reality as the reality of the other.
My approach
For me, the so-called causal or etiology-oriented approach in psychotherapy is groundbreaking. I am interested in the cause and the conditions under which the problem arose. This is often a trauma. It's not just about the symptoms that show up for me. In my view, this falls short. The symptoms are not the "problem", they point to the problem.
Here it is important to make a clear distinction to other directions of psychotherapy. The behavioral approach follows the perpetuating conditions of a disorder and attempts to change them. Psychoanalytically oriented approaches focus on unconscious conflicts and psychodynamics and try to solve them. However, this has nothing to do with the occurrence of a fault.
Trauma therapy takes possible traumatizations into account very sensitively and supports the solution and integration. In doing so, I always take a holistic approach into account, which sees soul and body together and in their interactions with each other. No problem, no burden, no emotional pain occurs in isolation without being represented in the body. Likewise, there is often an emotional theme behind physical symptoms, especially when they are resistant to conventional treatments.
Possible applications
Dissociative experience and diagnosed/suspected dissociative disorders